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J C, San Francisco: Laparoscopic Heller Myotomy's Story

  • ~ J C, San Francisco: Laparoscopic Heller Myotomy~

    My eating and my life is pretty normal – I walk and exercise everyday – along w/ my normal day-to-day. I’m not a believer in God – but I have been dealt a miracle and I am conscious of it every time I swallow solid or liquid. I want to run up to people I witness eating/drinking and shake them and tell them how very lucky they are, etc., but, of course, I’d be arrested.

    I went onto an Achalasia Support Web Site and into their email to ask where I send donations and told them of my story and how their reference lead me to Dr. Zaré – I’ve tried this twice- but no one responds.

    I owe my current health and peace of mind to my wife and closest, bestest friend who ‘took charge’ and called 5-7 doctors on the Support Web site that Thursday – the 16th of December 2010, and I think you, Ben, were so gracious when you returned her call and said the doctor would call her later – which he did and made the appointment the next morning and Dr. Zaré who took the baton from my friend and told us that cold, rainy morning that he could FIX me w/ his operation – and I’m living that FIX and I can never thank him enough and, although, I hope I never have a need for a surgeon again I will always sing Dr. Zaré‘s praises and am frustrated for not having the circumstance to be able to show my appreciation more/better.

    And, lastly besides my friend and Dr. Zaré, I thank you, Ben. You’re a great asset to that office by giving your complete attention to each patient and making them feel that everything is going to be alright. Thank you again.

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