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G K, San Jose: Laparoscopic Roux-en-y Gastric bypass's Story

  • ~ G K, San Jose: Laparoscopic Roux-en-y Gastric bypass~

    I would like to say THANK YOU Dr. Zaré for saving my life. After going through a divorce after 25 years, I decided it was time to care of me. I can’t believe it has been 1 year since I have had my surgery and 150 pounds I went from a size 28 to now a 10-12!!!! I am now able to cross my legs (which I haven’t been able to do for 30 years), and to do things I never thought I could, like touching my toes or kneel down to pick up something, taking up 1 seat instead of 2 and to ride a roller coaster again. These may be little things to some people but to someone who has been big for 30 years, these are big milestones for myself. I am now able to shop in a regular size store and not a big girl store. I have known quite a few people who have had the gastric bypass surgery by different surgeons and have not received the excellent care that I have received from Dr. Zaré. His bed side manner is one of the best that I have ever seen or experienced. My daughter and family had many concerns regarding the surgery, Dr. Zaré took the time to explained in full details to my daughter and to make sure she didn’t have any questions before the surgery. Every day I count my blessings for having Dr. Zaré in my life. I have now gone to my 30th high school reunion which, I was too embarassed to attend before. Being able to experience things that I haven’t done in so many years is a whole new experience. My daughter and myself are now doing things that I should have done with her when she was younger, but was too embarassed to do them.


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