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J C R, San Francisco: Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery's Story

  • ~ J C R, San Francisco: Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery~

    I was referred to Dr. Zaré by my primary care physician, who also gave me the name of two other surgeons in the area. He did mention that I did not have to look any further since Dr. Zaré‘s results he had seen were superb. I did however do an extensive research of the surgeons in the City all the way to Southbay and even contacted one of the patients who had had surgery and had volunteered to talk to new patients.

    I was amazed by how much praise people had for their surgeon and the whole experience they had gone through. So, it was an easy decision at that point for me. And I must say, everything I went through myself just proved everyone else right. From the first encounter, I noticed that the office was very well put together. The assistant was polite and very professional. Dr. Zaré himself was on top of his game. He gave me so much information about my problem, what caused it, different options, and showed me some photos to understand it all better. I mentioned to him that I play at the collegiate level and I was re-assured when he told me that he has had many players from San Jose State, and other Universities.

    The surgery itself went well. I was very nervous but don’t remember much of what happened (which is a good thing!). What was amazing is that within 24 hours I was out doing shopping and even went for a long walk with my dog without much discomfort. Dr. Zaré gave me full permission to go back to playing football after 10 days and I can’t say how important that was for me because I would have otherwise missed a whole season. Needless to say the hernia is gone, and I stopped thinking about it 4-5 days after the surgery. Overall, I am just thankful to my primary care doc and my surgeon who made me aware of laparoscopy. It made the whole experience very pleasant.

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